Thursday, September 15, 2011

A fresh sheet, or freshly baked cookies?

At the moment, I really feel like a freshly baked cookie but since it would seem I'm fresh out (ba-dum), I'll take a fresh sheet. Of pixel paper.

Anyway, so fresh paper. This is my new(er) blog that I'm going to write on about stuff. I'm not too sure WHAT stuff just yet, but stuff. Stay tuned to see what kind of stuff. Gosh, that sounds enticing, doesn't it?

I suppose right about now, you're just dying in your seat to know more about me. My name is Jessica. I'm a 21 year old mother to two, gorgeous children named Teagan and Zander. Teagan, my daughter, is the eldest and Zander, my son, is obviously my baby.

I'm sure you've read my little bio over there to the side and are wondering just how crazy I am. If you're still reading this, you're either a good friend of mine, or are But enough of that.

If you already know me, then you know what genital integrity and breastfeeding rights, etc. If you don't, then you need to know this: genital integrity is believing that babies of both gender have the rights to keep their genitals (ie, penis and vagina) intact and not mutilated. Yes, I said it. Mutilated. Which means, circumcision! Oh, the dreaded c-word which means I'm ANOTHER "crazy" INTACTIVIST. Oh dear me. Well, if you don't like that, you've probably stopped reading. As for breastfeeding rights, I believe that ALL babies should have access to their mother's milk and those mothers who chose to breastfeed should be supported in that decision. This means that a mother should also have the right to feed their babies where ever they are currently sitting, without a COVER if they so choose. Oh gasp. Now I'm absolutely crazy, right? Right. I am. But I'm crazy about the right things, I think. But no, that doesn't mean I think formula is poison. My own daughter was formula fed. I know both sides of the coin, dearies.

And, by now you've realized I'm also a sarcastic butt-hole. You'll learn to love me if you haven't already. :)

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