Thursday, September 22, 2011

The stars, the stars.

Ever since yesterday when we took a trip to the orchard, Teagan has been talking non-stop about apples, picking them, and eating them. Today I decided that we would do something fun. You see, my daughter? Yeah, she LOVES to paint. If I put a paint brush and a palette (which I don't have) in front of her, I bet she would paint FOR HOURS. Does this mean I need to get an easle and palette with lots of paper? ...yes, it does. But for now, we make due with a table or highchair. ;)

So, I don't know if you remember back in elementary school (if you went to public like me, that is) where you talked about autumn. With autumn always comes apples, right? Right. Well, my teacher decided she would show us something amazing. She took an apple and...cut it in half width-wise. That's right, you guessed it. For the star. I was amazed. I never knew that! Here I was, 7 years old and thinking starts came from apples now. I learned otherwise, but it was awesome to me! Later I learned about the chambers in the core for the seeds, but for now...we stamped apple stars on paper with paint. And that is exactly what I showed my daughter.

She was amazed. "Apple star! Apple star!" The delight made me so happy. So we took paint and painted. Zander joined, too. Although he didn't quite get it. He still sat in on the lesson about seeds and chambers in the apple. They both thoroughly enjoyed being creative with not only apples, but a couple slices of cucumber and potato plus paint brushes. Yes, weird. Using food as stamps? Well, my children also saw differences in visual texture today. Which was also enjoyable. Besides, in case Zander ate it, I wanted it to be good for him. Haha.

After the painting was over with and everything was cleaned up, we tried to find something about apples on Netflix Instant. Yeah, right. So I got on the computer and found some apple charts about their cycles and we watched a short video on planting apple seeds to grow. This means I really need to get to the library for some apple books. Today was a great day for learning and I think my babies learned a lot. :)

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